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Statistics Fish Production

Contribution of plant and animal proteins to global average daily protein intake, 2019

Contribution of plant and animal proteins

Fish and seafood are already one of the most important sources of animal protein in the diet of the world population today.

Aquatic food consumption, 1961–2019

Aquatic food consumption

Annual production and consumption of fish and seafood have increased significantly in recent decades and are projected to continue rising. The increase is due to both global population growth and the fact that people are consuming more fish per capita on average.

World capture fisheries and aquaculture production

World capture fisheries and aquaculture production

Since the 1990s, the quantity of fish caught in natural waters such as oceans, lakes, and rivers has stagnated. The doubling of the annually required amount of fish has been met by the rapid development in the aquaculture sector.

World aquaculture production, 1991–2020

World aquaculture production

The largest increase in production volumes has been observed in domestically raised finfish, which now account for approximately 40% of the total. This trend is expected to continue, primarily because around 60% of the world's population live more than 100 km away from the nearest coastline, and the supply of regionally produced food is the most sustainable form of food provision.

Source: All information and graphics from FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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