Our experts are here to assist you in English or German, whether you need help making a decision, solving a problem, or simply seeking advice to guide you forward.
Most of our discussions take place online, through video conferencing. This saves a lot of travel time and costs for both us and our clients, while also being sustainable and environmentally friendly. We communicate with our clients all over the world and always find a time that works for your and our time zone.
Book your support session and talk with one of our experts about one or more of the following topics:
Choosing the right location: We'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your potential spaces and locations and provide recommendations regarding the ideal site.
Potential direct marketing channels: We'll explore what you can produce and the various avenues available for marketing your products.
Coordination during the construction phase: We can address any details and issues that arise during the construction phase.
Support during the startup phase: We'll provide guidance on preparing the system for the initial fish stocking and offer advice for a successful system startup.
Harvest preparation and execution: We'll share tips and tricks for a stress-free and gentle harvest process.